viking_drivers — Viking Driver Classes

The ale.drivers.viking_drivers module

New in version 0.8.1.

class ale.drivers.viking_drivers.VikingIsisLabelIsisSpiceDriver(file, num_ephem=909, num_quats=909, props={}, parsed_label=None)

Bases: Framer, IsisLabel, IsisSpice, NoDistortion, Driver

property instrument_id

Overriden to check that the instrument ID is correct


: str

The name of the sensor

property sensor_name

Returns the name of the instrument


: str

Name of the sensor

property spacecraft_name

Overridden to work with spice calls.


: str

Name of the spacecraft.

class ale.drivers.viking_drivers.VikingIsisLabelNaifSpiceDriver(file, num_ephem=909, num_quats=909, props={}, parsed_label=None)

Bases: Framer, IsisLabel, NaifSpice, NoDistortion, Driver

property alt_ikid

Viking Orbiter 1 & 2 each have an alternate naif id code as defined in the SCLK kernels. Expects spacecraft name to be defined. Returns -27999 for vo1 and -30999 for vo2


: integer Alternate Naif Integer ID code for the instrument

property detector_center_line

Returns the center detector line. Expects ikid to be defined. This should be an integer containing the Naif Id code of the instrument.


: float

Detector line of the principal point

property detector_center_sample

Returns the center detector sample. Expects ikid to be defined. This should be an integer containing the Naif Id code of the instrument.


: float

Detector sample of the principal point

property ephemeris_start_time

Overridden to use the alternate instrument ID. Also computes an offset to match what is being done in ISIS code. Expects spacecraft_clock_start_count to be defined.


: float

ephemeris start time of the image

property focal_length

Override the focal length attribute to return the appropriate viking focal length. Values and logic based on ISIS viking camera model.


: float

Focal length of viking instrument

property ikid

Overridden to grab the ikid from the Isis Cube since there is no way to obtain this value with a spice bods2c call.


: integer

Naif Integer ID code for the instrument

property instrument_id

Overridden to check that the instrument ID is correct


: str

The name of the sensor

property sensor_name

Returns the name of the instrument


: str

Name of the sensor

property spacecraft_name

Overridden to work with spice calls.


: str

Name of the spacecraft.