tgo_drivers — Trace Gas Oribiter Driver Classes

The ale.drivers.tgo_drivers module

New in version 0.8.1.

class ale.drivers.tgo_drivers.TGOCassisIsisLabelNaifSpiceDriver(file, num_ephem=909, num_quats=909, props={}, parsed_label=None)

Bases: Framer, IsisLabel, NaifSpice, NoDistortion, Driver

Driver for reading TGO Cassis ISIS3 Labels. These are Labels that have been ingested into ISIS from PDS EDR images but have not been spiceinit’d yet.

property ephemeris_start_time

Returns the ephemeris_start_time of the image. Expects spacecraft_clock_start_count to be defined. This should be a float containing the start clock count of the spacecraft. Expects spacecraft_id to be defined. This should be the integer Naif ID code for the spacecraft.


: float

ephemeris start time of the image.

property instrument_id

Returns an instrument id for unquely identifying the instrument, but often also used to be piped into Spice Kernels to acquire IKIDs. Therefore they the same ID the Spice expects in bods2c calls. Expects instrument_id to be defined in the Pds3Label mixin. This should be a string of the form CaSSIS


: str

instrument id

property sensor_frame_id

Returns the Naif ID code for the sensor reference frame Expects ikid to be defined. This must be the integer Naif id code of the instrument


: int

Naif ID code for the sensor frame

property sensor_model_version


: int

ISIS sensor model version

property sensor_name

Returns the name of the instrument


: str

Name of the sensor